Tuesday 12 April 2016

Top 5 things l want to Upcycle

Hi Guys! How you all doing!

I've been looking on Pinterest a lot recently for some inspiration for smaller upcycling projects. The weather hasn't been that great (and neither have my hours at work) so it's much harder to start the big projects!

I'm currently in the process of doing a pound shop upcycling challenge that I've saw a few times on YouTube and Pinterest. I've got a few ideas just need to put them in motion.

I've also got my top five items that l want to upcycle and here it is :

1: Kitchen Utensils - I've saw some amazing upcycles of these in the past and some awesome creative ideas! I've been collecting things from my family that they are chucking out and from around my own home and my stash includes a whistler kettle, a Sieve and a cheese grater. I'm thinking something for the garden with these but I'll let you know

2: Glass Jars - Everybody uses or has these in some form in their house but there's got to be another way to repurpose these into something new. Now l LOVE jars, all sizes, all shapes which l know is abit of a wierd thing to admit but even still. Perhaps just a pretty candle holder for the garden?

3: Old Clothing - I hate throwing stuff away which I'm sure you can imagine but I'm always taking clothes to the charity shop. Now I've had a sewing machine for Christmas and I've always wanted to try and make these cushions I've saw where it is a shirt and has the buttons on and everything. They look really interesting and deffinatly when l get my sewing skills upto scratch that'll be my first project

4: Plant pots - Another garden upcycle but it's spring and it's gonna be time to start doing the garden, when we moved into our house last year we bought loads of terracotta plant pots as a temporary measure and I already think l know what I'm going to do with them. I'm LOVING geometric shapes at the moment so I'm going to masking tape triangles and paint them in pastel blues and Yellows for my herbs :)

5: Light Bulbs - Ive seen these on Pinterest and i think they look lovely and sweet. You some how take the bottom off the bulb and fill it with water and put a small flower in there :)

Who knows whats next on the cards - Im in Bedford on the weekend at Gumtree's workshop with Max McMurdo. Creativity doesn't follow a path, its what you make of it.

Speak to you soon!

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