Tuesday 20 September 2016

Tis the season to be giving....

Its less than 100 days until the big man comes down our chimney and the world descends into chaos over the supermarkets being shut for a day but we love it, its easily my favourite time of the year. Ive sat down with the fella and we both decided that we want to do something good for others this year, we originally were going to collect dog food and dog toys and then donate them to our local animal shelter (which we still may do) but then l was looking on pinterest again and saw something called a reverse advent calendar. (ive attached an image to help paint the scene)

So when you are tucking into your celebration advent calendar you spare a thought for those in less fortunate circumstances, and you fill one square with something that could help a family in need this christmas and you then donate all the products on christmas eve. There are plenty of organisations throughout the country that collect your food and then organise them into food parcels that are delegated out through social services, doctors and other services to those that really need them. These organisations usually have a desired shopping list that they ask people to buy items off and these usually include things such as Tinned Vegetables, Tea and Coffee, Sanitary Products and Pasta/Rice amongst many more. 

We have had a food collection at my old job and ended up with nearly 8 supermarket trolleys full of donated food from customers in one day. l always remember one family who save money all through the year to donate to the food bank and donated a whole trolley worth by themselves. Im not saying that the tins have to be Heinz Beans or Covent Garden Soup - Basics is fine and whats 20p as a donation to the needy. 

There are always people in need and even more that do not want to admit that they need help. If you don't even want to donate food there are organisations that collect toys for children, clothes for the homeless even christmas presents for our military serving out on the front line. Christmas is a time for giving - so why not give to those that need it the most!

As l said there are food banks all over the country and plenty of other organisations that will take your donations!

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